18–23 May 2025
Europe/Warsaw timezone

ReMade@ARI: bridging Research and Circular Economy through Advanced Analysis

Not scheduled


Marta Mirolo (ESRF)


ReMade@ARI offers a platform of characterization techniques across Europe to accelerate the Circular Economy. The core of the project is the Smart Science Cluster (SSC), composed of Junior Scientists (JS) who are experts in the different analytical tools offered by the project. The JS support the users at different stages of the project: before the proposal submission, by suggesting the different techniques and helping with the proposal’s writing; during the experiments, eventually travelling to the different facilities with the researchers and helping them with the experiments; and after the experiments, with the data analysis, whether possible.
With the project nearing its conclusion, with only one call for proposals left (September 2025), some case studies will be presented, showcasing the support ReMade@ARI could provide. In particular, examples from the battery field and scattering techniques will be provided.

Primary author


Francesco D'Acierno (KU Leuven) Sergio Brutti (Universita' di Roma La Sapienza) Rafael Trocoli (Universidad de Cordoba)

Presentation materials

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