May 18 – 23, 2025
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Student Grants

Student Grants to support Master and PhD students to attend the LEAPS 2025 Conference will be offered by LEAPS for a selected number of students.

The LEAPS student grants will cover conference fee

Hotel Costs  from 18 to 23.05.2025 (5 nights) in a shared room.
Conference Fee 
Social Dinner

Who is eligible

Master, PhD Students in Life Sciences, Natural Sciences and Engineering.

How to apply

1) register for the LEAPS Conference 2025 - Student Grants by February 23, 2025;

2) send an email to including:

  • a short informal application letter addressed to the Chairs of the Organizing Committee;
  • a CV;
  • a confirmation letter of your student status, signed by your supervisor.

In addition it is mandatory to submit an abstract for the poster and/or oral contribution.

The final decision of SPC (Scientific Programme Committee) about grants will be sent by e-mail directly to the applicants by the end of February 2025. The selection committee will decide also if granted students will present a poster or/and an oral contribution.

A selection of the best three posters will take place during the Conference and an award ceremony will follow.

We are providing double rooms or will cover hotel cost up to 100 EUR per day.

How to claim hotel expenses

In order to be reimbursed for their hotel stays, young researchers who have received funding are asked to book the hotel in advance and provide invoices addressed to them. 
To receive a refund, students should provide a personal invoice and a bank transfer confirmation.
For students from countries outside the Euro Monetary Union, we need a copy of ID with home address (it is a mandatory request by the bank).

More information in the tab - Hotel Accommodation.

For questions about hotel costs please write to: