18–23 May 2025
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Quantum dot-plasmonic nanoparticle hybrid system for novel optoelectronic technologies

Not scheduled


Rafał Fanselow (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)


Quantum dot (QD)-plasmonic hybrid nanostructures represent a promising class of materials that enable tailoring of optical and electronic properties at the nanoscale. The excitation of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in metallic nanoparticles (NPs) can significantly influence the optical response of QDs through plasmon-exciton coupling, leading to enhanced absorption, emission, or photocatalytic activity. The specific effect is achieved by tuning the size-dependent properties of both nanostructures and controlling their interparticle distance. Such hybrid nanomaterials have potential applications in novel optoelectronic devices like solar cells.
In this study, we present a hybrid material composed of colloidal ZnSe QDs conjugated to metallic Ag NPs via organic ligands. By employing advanced synthesis techniques, we controlled the size of both components to achieve optimal overlap between the absorption bands of the QDs and Ag NPs. The QDs were coated with positively charged amines to facilitate electrostatic binding with the negatively charged citrate-capped Ag NPs in a liquid environment. The resulting system was evaluated for colloidal stability and optical properties, showing altered UV-VIS absorption compared to the individual QD and Ag NP suspensions.

Acknowledgment: This project was financed by the National Science Centre (Poland) under grant number 2020/37/B/ST3/00555

Primary author

Rafał Fanselow (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)


Jakub Szlachetko (SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre) Joanna Czapla-Masztafiak (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)

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