Over the last decades it has been possible to develop XPS systems that can work far beyond the standard conditions of high or ultrahigh vacuum. Thus, Near Ambient Pressure (NAP) - XPS has become a rapidly growing field and has demonstrated its capability in a wide variety of applications. Starting from operando studies of surface reactions in catalysis, the applications soon have been extended towards studies of processes at liquid/solid or liquid/gas interfaces. Nowadays, the NAP-XPS analysis technique has become a standard analysis tool not only at synchrotrons, but also in laboratories. The availability of different optimized sample environments (gases, liquids, electrochemical cells) as well as the combination of various analysis methods (NAP-SPM, IRRAS, NAP-HAXPES etc.) allow for gaining insights into the fundamental processes that take place during a chemical reaction.
We present existing solutions for NAP-XPS analysis with an emphasis on SPECS latest developments of instruments and material analysis methods. Examples and results from existing NAP-XPS systems will be shown as well as future perspective of applications and scientific contributions of routine operando NAP-XPS.