During the LEAPS INNOV meeting (April 9th) there will be an opportunity for all participants to visit (optional) SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (SOLARIS NSRC).
SOLARIS is a Polish national research centre providing scientists with synchrotron radiation and Cryo-EM.

The Centre has been opened for Users since 2018 and at the end of 2021, SOLARIS facilitates the five beamlines, operating in the range of radiation from UV to soft X-ray, providing various experimental techniques. At the PIRX beamline, the Users can exploit X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES region, X-ray absorption near edge structure) and magnetic dichroism. The main technique at the URANOS beamline is Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). The PHELIX beamline based on two methods, ARPES and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES). Opened in last year DEMETER beamline offers two end-stations: Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and Photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM). The bending magnet, recently opened ASTRA beamline will be dedicated to X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS).
Next three new beamlines are under construction and they will be open in the next years. Ultimately, however, the experimental hall of the Kraków accelerator will house dozens of them. In total, the beamlines will be fitted with about twenty end-stations. SOLARIS Centre is more than the synchrotron alone. In our building, there are also two cryo-electron microscopes of the latest generation: Titan Krios G3i and Glacios.
The National Synchrotron Radiation Centre functions under the auspices of the Jagiellonian University. It is located on the Campus of the 600th Anniversary of the Jagiellonian University Revival, in the southern part of Kraków. It neighbours the Kraków Technology Park special economic zone. The project Centre was established between 2010 and 2015. The investment was co-financed by the European Union with funds from the European Regional Development Fund, as part of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme for 2007-2013.