SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre is pleased to announce the National Centre SOLARIS - synchrotron radiation for science taking place from Monday, 12th March to Friday to 11th of June 2024 in Kraków, Poland.
The objective of the course is to learn about the generation, properties, and application of synchrotron radiation. In particular, the participants will be familiarized with the research and the experimental methods available at the Solaris National Synchrotron Radiation Centre - their physical basis, applicability, and practical aspects. They will also learn how to prepare a successful application to access large-scale research facilities such as Solaris.
The course will emphasize on the practical aspects of synchrotron experiments. It will also include preparing a Solaris beamtime proposal focused on a scientific problem chosen by participants with the assistance from the course instructors. The proposals prepared by the participants will be presented and discussed during the project classes and reviewed by course instructors. All participants will have an opportunity to visit Solaris Centre and its experimental beamlines. Participants who exhibit interest in the specific research field will have a chance to join the twinning project with an experienced group of Solaris users. Participants whose proposals achieved the highest rank during the course will be encouraged and aided to apply for beamtime at Solaris. Those proposals will go through the official peer review process and be granted beamtime if successful.
The course was prepared and will be executed by three specialists working for many years in the area of synchrotron radiation, its applications, and methods development:
Prof. Jerzy Antonowicz from Warsaw University of Technology
Prof. Wojciech Tabiś from AGH University of Krakow
Prof. Agnieszka Witkowska from Gdansk University of Technology

The course is organized under the patronage of the National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS and the Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society.
The course is equivalent to 3 ECTs points. The final course credit will be given after completion of the project dedicated to the beamtime application a certificate together with a description of learning outcomes will be provided to participants.
The course will be hosted in an online form every Tuesday between 15:00 and 16:30, starting 12th of March and ending 11th of June.
The course agenda is following:
12 March, 15:00: prof. Agnieszka Witkowska, prof. Jerzy Antonowicz, prof. Wojciech Tabiś, „Welcome & Course Introduction”, prof. Wojciech Tabiś “About SOLARIS Centre ”
19 March 15:00: prof. Wojciech Tabiś "Generation and Properties of Synchrotron Radiation pt I”
26 March 15:00: prof. Wojciech Tabiś "Generation and Properties of Synchrotron Radiation pt II”
9 April 15:00: prof. Jerzy Antonowicz “Introduction to Matter X Radiation Interaction”
Later dates: tbd
Further lectures and a detailed schedule of the project classes will be established during the first two weeks of the course.
Registration to the course at INDICO, deadline 3rd of March.
Once the registration will be closed, we will send you Teams link to the course and provide with disk space where the course materials will be shared.