January 23, 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone


  1. Dr. Malgorzata Grazyna Makowska, SLS (Switzerland).
    Chemical Imaging at the microXAS beamline and plans for the bright future at microXAS 2.0.
  2. Dr. Marine Cotte, ESRF (France).
    The refurbished ID21 beamline at the ESRF: nano-spectroscopy in the tender X-ray domain.
  3. Prof. Dr. Britta Redlich, Felix Laboratory (Netherlands): The League of European Accelerator based-Photon Sources (LEAPS) presentation.
  4. Prof. Alexander Kordyuk, KAU (Ukraine): synchrotron-based research in Ukraine and towards synchrotron association.
  5. Dr. Delphine Vantelon, Soleil (France): LUCIA for chemical imaging and speciation in the tender X-ray domain.
  6. Prof. Dr. Luc Patthey, PSI (Switzerland): Technical feasibility study of the planned beamline.
  7. Dr. Jakub Szlachetko, Prof. UJ, SOLARIS NSRC (Poland): The SOLARIS Centre presentation.
  8. Prof. Volodymyr Karbivskyy, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine: Research on novel materials to address energy production and storage challenges with the use of synchrotron-based nano- X-ray spectroscopy techniques.
  9. Dr. Yaroslav Odarchenko, Finden Ltd, United Kingdom: Exploring Nanostructured Catalysts: Enhancing Insight into Physicochemical Properties through Correlative Microscopy and Spectroscopy Imaging.
  10. Dr. Igor Bychko, L. V. Pisarzhevsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine: Synchrotron analytical techniques for studying materials in catalysis.
  11. Prof. Galyna Dovbeshko, Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine: SR spectroscopy and imaging for biological biopolymers, organelles and cells: is it real and what is new?
  12. Dr. Oleg Khyzhun, Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine: Exploring the electronic structure of some oxygen- and transition-metal-bearing compounds: Application of synchrotron radiation and laboratory sources.
  13. Dr. Andrii Goriachko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: Graphene on Ge(111) - growth, electronic and structural properties, perspective applications.