Light for Ukraine


Light for Ukraine – synchrotron workshop at SOLARIS towards Nano and micro X-ray spectroscopy applications.

Since February 2022, with the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, the activity of the scientific society in Ukraine has been heavily impacted, limiting the realization of research projects on both national and international levels. The European and Intercontinental scientific community is making numerous efforts to support Ukrainian researchers’ projects at home and in exile. 

In light of the current situation, the League of European Accelerator Based-Photon Sources – LEAPS, designated SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre as a coordinating facility to implement and supervise the activities aiming at consolidation and strengthening the Ukrainian users’ community. Within the “Light for Ukraine” project the Polish and Ukrainian synchrotron radiation user communities, acting together, are making efforts to build a joint research infrastructure that will further strengthen cross-border cooperation.

The first edition of the online meeting “Light for Ukraine – synchrotron workshop at SOLARIS” was a great success (with more than 250 participants) and greatly strengthened the scientific collaboration within LEAPS-Ukraine cooperation. In this context, SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow (Poland), together with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is delighted to announce the 2nd edition of the workshop, which will be held on 23rd January 2024 as an online event. This workshop will focus on the concept of the planned Ukrainian synchrotron beamline: “Nano and micro X-ray spectroscopy beamline”. This workshop will gather input from beamline scientists from other synchrotron facilities on research opportunities and scientific goals of “Nano and micro X-ray spectroscopy beamline”. In addition, the agenda of the meeting will cover presentations of Ukrainian researchers on scientific areas of interest. We intend to outline necessary activities within the meeting and discuss possible pathways to develop the Ukrainian beamline at the SOLARIS facility.
We cordially invite you to join the meeting,

With our kind regards,

Chairs of the workshop,

Alexander Kordyuk and Jakub Szlachetko

    • Session 1: Welcome

      Chairman: Dr. Jakub Szlachetko

      Conveners: Prof. Alexander Kordyuk (Kyiv Academic University) , Prof. Britta Redlich (LEAPS, FELIX Laboratory) , Dr Jakub Szlachetko (SOLARIS National Synchroton Radiation Centre)
    • Session 1: SOLARIS Centre current status

      Chairman: Dr. Jakub Szlachetko

      Convener: Dr Jakub Szlachetko (SOLARIS National Synchroton Radiation Centre)
    • Session 1: Technical feasibility study of the planned beamline

      Chairman: Dr. Jakub Szlachetko

      Convener: Prof. Luc Patthey (Paul Scherrer Institute)
    • 10:40 AM
    • Session 2: Chemical Imaging at the microXAS beamline and plans for the bright future at microXAS 2.0.

      Chairman: Dr. Anna Wach

      Convener: Dr Małgorzata Makowska
    • Session 2: The refurbished ID21 beamline at the ESRF: nano-spectroscopy in the tender X-ray domain

      Chairman: Dr. Anna Wach

      Convener: Dr Marine Cotte
    • Session 2: LUCIA for chemical imaging and speciation in the tender X-ray domain

      Chairman: Dr. Anna Wach

      Convener: Dr Delphine Vantelon
    • Session 2: Ukrainian synchrotron-association

      Chairman: Dr. Anna Wach

      Convener: Prof. Alexander Kordyuk (Kyiv Academic University)
    • 12:20 PM
    • Session 3: Research on novel materials to address energy production and storage challenges with the use of synchrotron-based nano- X-ray spectroscopy techniques

      Chairman: Prof. Alexander Kordyuk

      Convener: Prof. Volodymyr Karbivskyy
    • Session 3: Exploring Nanostructured Catalysts: Enhancing Insight into Physicochemical Properties through Correlative Microscopy and Spectroscopy Imaging

      Chairman: Prof. Alexander Kordyuk

      Convener: Dr Yaroslav Odarchenko
    • Session 3: Synchrotron analytical techniques for studying materials in catalysis

      Chairman: Prof. Alexander Kordyuk

      Convener: Dr Igor Bychko
    • Session 3: SR spectroscopy and imaging for biological biopolymers, organelles and cells: is it real and what is new?

      Chairman: Prof. Alexander Kordyuk

      Convener: Prof. Galyna Dovbeshko
    • Session 3: Exploring the electronic structure of some oxygen- and transition-metal-bearing compounds: Application of synchrotron radiation and laboratory sources

      Chairman: Prof. Alexander Kordyuk

      Convener: Dr Oleg Khyzhun
    • Session 3: Graphene on Ge(111) - growth, electronic and structural properties, perspective applications

      Chairman: Prof. Alexander Kordyuk

      Convener: Dr Andrii Goriachko
    • Session 4: General Discussion and Closing Remarks
      Conveners: Prof. Alexander Kordyuk (Kyiv Academic University) , Jakub Szlachetko (SOLARIS National Synchroton Radiation Centre)