NEutrons and PHotons Elevating Worldwide Science - NEPHEWS is a project that integrate together two European Users Organizations, ESUO and ENSA, with two largest and most advanced consortia LEAPS and LENS. The idea of this project is to develop a new way of cooperation, where neutron facilities works side by side with LEAPS Infrastructures. Additionally, NEPHEWS will give a voice to users through a pioneering User-to-User approach, providing ESUO and ENSA with a leading role in the development of the project.

We would like to invite you to the Kick-off meeting of the NEPHEWS project. The event offers unique opportunity to get together the neutron and photon communities, both users and representatives of research infrastructures and thus initiate a joint journey under NEPHEWS.
We strongly encourage you to follow the event website. Detailed information will be announced in the coming weeks.
Registration form only for NEPHEWS project members!
With our kind regards,
Chair of the meeting,
Piotr Piwowarczyk