2–4 Dec 2024
National Synchrotron Radiation Centre
Europe/Warsaw timezone




NEPHEWS and SOLARIS welcome you to the 1st NEPHEWS Supervisory Board (SB) meeting which will be in-person from December 2nd to December 4th at the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre at Jagellonian University in Krakow.


NEPHEWS, NEutrons and PHotons Elevating Worldwide Science (http://www.beamtime.eu/) is a consortium which consists of a combination of neutron and photon research infrastructures and user support organisations. NEPHEWS delivers access to the world-class collective of Europe’s premiere open advanced neutron (N), synchrotron (SR) and free-electron laser (FEL) complementary research infrastructures (RI), to promote curiosity driven excellence in research.


In NEPHEWS these RI have instituted a novel approach jointly with their 40k+ user base of scientists through the European Users Organisations to provide a user-driven access program targeting new and non-expert communities, with a focus on Widening countries, Ukraine and Africa, a priority. The bottom-up User-to-User-oriented approach aims to build a more integrated European RI landscape involving LEAPS and LENS consortia and their European scientific user communities. These user organisations being the European Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Users Organisation (ESUO) and the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA).


The NEPHEWS Supervisory Board (SB) is an overseeing structure representing the interests of the users and of the facilities. The NEPHEWS SB is composed of designated national representatives of the international Users organizations ESUO and ENSA (associated partners) and representatives of the LEAPS General Assembly and of the LENS Council. This composition reflects a spread of nations across the ERA serving to help embed the planned outcomes of the project.


During this first annual meeting the NEPHEWS Project will report on the implementation to date, the ongoing actions, community building initiatives and data collection and will then receive feedback from the user communities and consortia representatives. The SB has an advisory and recommendation role to the NEPHEWS General Assembly. This SB will steer NEPHEWS with the specific remit of oversight of the directed actions towards users interests in policy impact during NEPHEWS. The intention is to maximising impact during NEPHEWS and to sustain impact beyond NEPHEWS. To that end ad to facilitate internal dialogue within both ESUO and ENSA, dedicated parallel sessions for each user organisation are planned within the scope of this NEPHEWS SB meeting. ESUO and ENSA delegates who are not members of the NEPHEWS SB can register to attend their respective ESUO and ENSA meetings.


We look forward to a very interesting meeting for the NEPHEWS Supervisory Board, and for the constituent ESUO and ENSA members and delegates.


NEPHEWS SB Meeting Organising Committee. 


National Synchrotron Radiation Centre
ul. Czerwone Maki 98 30-392 Kraków
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