Light for Ukraine


Light for Ukraine – synchrotron online workshop at SOLARIS

Since February 2022, with the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, the activity of the scientific society in Ukraine has been heavily impacted, limiting the realization of research projects on both national and international levels. The European and Intercontinental scientific community is making numerous efforts to support Ukrainian researchers’ projects at home and in exile. 

In light of the current situation, the League of European Accelerator Based-Photon Sources – LEAPS – initiated dedicated activities to support Ukrainian researchers performing their projects using Synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers. During the LEAPS Plenary Meeting held at Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen, Switzerland) on 26-28 October 2022, LEAPS Board expressed a strong desire to support Ukrainian scientific efforts and designated SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre as a coordinating facility to implement and supervise the activities aiming at consolidation and strengthening of the Ukrainian users’ community.

In this context, SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow, together with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, are organizing a meeting called “Light for Ukraine – synchrotron workshop at SOLARIS” which will be held on 23-24th February 2023 as an online event. The workshop aims to establish scientific collaboration, exchange concepts of future developments, and discuss research areas that can be supported and reinforced within LEAPS-Ukraine cooperation. The agenda of the meeting will cover presentations of SOLARIS scientists describing the facility's capabilities and presentations of Ukrainian researchers on scientific areas of interest. Within the meeting, we intend to outline necessary activities and discuss possible pathways to develop the Ukrainian beamline at the SOLARIS facility.

We cordially invite you to join the meeting,

With our kind regards,

Chairs of the workshop,

Alexander Kordyuk and Jakub Szlachetko

  • Thursday, February 23
    • Session 1: Welcome: Marek Stankiewicz - SOLARIS Cooperation Representative, Anatoliy Zahorodniy - NASU President, Jean Daillant - LEAPS Chair (Chairman: Marek Stankiewicz)

      Chairman: Marek Stankiewicz

    • Session 1: LEAPS presentation: Jean Daillant - LEAPS Chair

      Chairman: Marek Stankiewicz

    • Session 1: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Anatoliy Zahorodniy - NASU President

      Chairman: Marek Stankiewicz

    • Session 1: ESUO presentation: Cormac McGuinness - ESUO President

      Chairman: Marek Stankiewicz

    • Session 1: Synchrotron based research in Ukraine: Alexander Kordyuk - KAU

      Chairman: Marek Stankiewicz

    • Session 1: SOLARIS presentation: Jakub Szlachetko - Acting Director of the SOLARIS Centre

      Chairman: Marek Stankiewicz

    • 10:55 AM
    • Session 2: ID’s for “Light for Ukraine”: Luc Patthey - PSI (Chairman: Michał Młynarczyk)

      Chairman: Michał Młynarczyk

    • Session 2: European Synchrotron - scientific opportunities for Ukraine: Veijo Honkimäki - ESRF
    • Session 2: Support measures for Ukrainian researchers and the sustainability of Ukrainian RIs in the EURIZON project: Greta Facile - DESY

      Chairman: Michał Młynarczyk

    • Session 2: The Road to the Synchrotron Through the Society: Wojciech Kwiatek - PSRS Chairman

      Chairman: Michał Młynarczyk

    • 12:10 PM
    • Session 3: SOLARIS: Spectroscopy Research Section: Ewa Partyka - Jankowska, PIRX beamline scientist (Chairman: Alexander Kordyuk)

      Chairman: Alexander Kordyuk

    • Session 3: SOLARIS: Microscopy and Imaging Section: Paweł Korecki, POLYX beamline scientist

      Chairman: Alexander Kordyuk

    • Session 3: SOLARIS: Biomedical Research Section: Tomasz Wróbel, CIRI beamline supervisor

      Chairman: Alexander Kordyuk

  • Friday, February 24
    • Session 4 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: Structure of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases: for science and medicine: Mykhaylo Tukalo - IMBG NASU, (Chairman: Jakub Szlachetko)

      Chairman: Jakub Szlachetko

    • Session 4 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: Functional lipid pairs as building blocks of phase-separated membranes: Dmytro Soloviov - EMBL

      Chairman: Jakub Szlachetko

    • Session 4 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: Exploring collective dynamics of liquids by inelastic X-ray scattering: Taras Bryk - ICMP NASU

      Chairman: Jakub Szlachetko

    • Session 4 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: Structural investigation of ferrofluids by small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering: Anatolii Nagornyi - CERIC-ERIC

      Chairman: Jakub Szlachetko

    • Session 4 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: Dynamical Effects in the Integrated Scattering Intensity from Imperfect Crystals: Vyacheslav Lizunov, G.V. Kurdyumov - IMP NASU

      Chairman: Jakub Szlachetko

    • Session 4 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: SAXS/SANS studies of nanoparticulate systems: Oleksandr Tomchuk, IFJ PAN / Shevchenko KNU

      Chairman: Jakub Szlachetko

    • Session 4 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: International research opportunities at Diamond Light Source: Yuriy Chaban - DLS

      Chairman: Jakub Szlachetko

    • 11:15 AM
    • Session 5 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: Synchrotron study of phase transformations in the systems with superhard phases at high pressure and temperature: Volodymyr Turkevych, V. Bakul - BISM NASU (Chairman: Taras Bryk)

      Chairman: Taras Bryk

    • Session 5 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: Synchrotron radiation in NSC KIPT: Ivan Guk - KIPT NASU

      Chairman: Taras Bryk

    • Session 5 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: Instant ARPES as a tool for the synchrotron-based photoemission: Sergey Borisenko - IFW-Dresden

      Chairman: Taras Bryk

    • Session 5 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: In-situ preparation and photoemission study of FeSe ultrathin films - Oleksandr Suvorov - G.V. Kurdyumov IMP NASU/IFW

      Chairman: Taras Bryk

    • Session 5 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: ARPES search for topological superconductivity: Volodymyr Bezguba - KAU

      Chairman: Taras Bryk

    • Session 5 - Ukraine: Photon-based research: Band structure approach to RIXS: Alexander Yaresko - MPIF

      Chairman: Taras Bryk

    • Round table discussion and closing session

      Chairmen: Alexander Kordyuk & Jakub Szlachetko